For the Moms
Photo from Clark Family Archives
The woman in the picture is my mom. I love this picture; she looks so young, beautiful, and carefree.
My mom never had any serious illnesses, but she did have the experience of finding out her thirty-seven year old daughter had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Coming from an extremely healthy family, I don’t think the possibility had ever crossed her mind. We never talked about what it was like for her; I don’t know that she would have been able to find the words. She came from a generation that didn’t talk about such things.
I have two daughters in their twenties. They have experienced their mom being diagnosed with breast cancer - twice - once when they were too young to understand, and more recently, when they were able to understand all too well. I have had conversations with my daughters that I never could have had with my mother. They are of a generation that talks about everything.
Because of what we have been through my family has tales to tell, as does every family. Today, let's honor the mothers and mother figures in our lives by sharing their stories and, if we are able, take some time to make some new stories.