Making a Difference: K & J’s Complete Woman


I’d like you to meet Kathy, a woman in her mid-thirties who was diagnosed with with triple-negative breast cancer. Now let me mention that this diagnosis happened almost forty years ago.

We’re talking a time before Breast Cancer Awareness Month existed. We’re talking a time when the words “breast cancer” were whispered in worried tones at the kitchen table instead of being proclaimed loudly by television broadcasters. We’re talking a time when testing lymph nodes for cancer meant Axillary Lymph Node Dissection, which almost guaranteed lymphedema, a serious swelling of the arm, for the rest of the patient’s life.

This was the setting in which our friend Kathy received her diagnosis. Along the way, she found there was not a comfortable environment where women could shop for post-mastectomy needs such as breast prostheses, mastectomy bras, and compression sleeves for that pesky lymphedema. So she, along with her friend Joanne, established K & J’s Complete Woman to fill that need.

Walking into this boutique is like walking into a dear friend’s home; you feel a comfort and warmth that you don’t frequently find in a retail establishment. You sip tea, you share stories; you may laugh, you might cry. By the way, this friend has a fully stocked closet of items that you need in the perfect size!

Kudos to Kathy and her team for providing a much needed service, and for the difference they are making in so many people’s lives.




Books for the Girls: Survival Lessons